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Funny Xbox Bios

Game fun cannot be over but you can win the game by posting these awesome and funny Xbox bios for girls and your friends on your device.

I am sitting here wondering why Microsoft makes everyone pay an annual (or tri-monthly) fee for Xbox Live Gold in order to play games online on the Xbox 360, but they don't provide a service that requires everyone to pay a fee to play the exact same games online on a PC... It's too bad Xbox exclusives; controller shape/functionality and Microsoft's network stability cater more to my liking. I'm not saying Gold isn't worth it. It's just weird that they make you pay on 360, but not on a PC to play the exact same games. I was just thinking because I want to play Splinter cell Blacklist online, but I don't have Gold, and then got to thinking if I had it on PC I wouldn't have to pay for Gold, which makes no sense.

Funny Xbox Bios

Funny Xbox Bios

  1. You want to see something disgusting? Clean a white Xbox 360 controller you've owned and never cleaned for years. You'll find enough grime and dead skin to make an entire human hand.
  1. Every mistake I ever made in life got me to where I am now...... Seems they weren't mistakes after all.
  1. It's weird how the PS3 and Xbox 360 are now only 200$, I remember back in 2006 when the PS2 and Xbox were 200$ and the new consoles were like 600/700$, now the PS2 and Xbox are dirt cheap, you can get them' for like 30$. It’s sad that one day the Xbox 360 and PS3 will be so cheap.
  1. The secret to finding what you're looking for....... Stop looking. It'll find you.
  1. Lesson of the day: Forgetting to eat or drink anything since lunch time yesterday makes for a very grumpy, dysfunctional, emotional, and sick feeling me. Lol Guess I'll start putting eat in my phone alerts.
  1. Me and my girlfriend has the dumbest run around conversation about "did the game come on". We couldn't do nothing but laugh when it was over.
  1. I must say this because it's on my heart.  You made a horrible, stupid, ignorant, hurtful, potentially harmful, disgraceful mistake. I was appalled and quite bothered by his choice and lack of knowledge, sensitivity, and integrity, regarding the parody disgrace.
  1. Always arguing with the same person about the same thing is so draining; & I'm starting to get that attitude where I don't care anymore.
  1. I love how everyone is afraid that Xbox One Kinect will help the government survey you more. Even if it did, I'd say challenge accepted. I'd play a game called Let's Make It Weird and try to creep out whoever is watching me as much as possible. First I'd wear something like a banana suit or a horse head mask and go from there.
  1. I'm forever pocket dialing somebody! I hate that.
  1. When a female “tripping” it's because she care! When she "mad" it's because you let her down. When she "asking questions" it's because she trying gain clarity! When that female don't "question you" and let everything slide; she giving up. When she doesn't do any of that, you lost a good female.
  1. One day I really just want to take random possessions of others and put them in Jello and leave it in their refrigerator.
  1. I wish Drake would make a song about FUBU and KSwiss so they can come back in style.
  1. It gets confusing when someone asks is the game on and you don't know if they're talking about sports, the BET show or the rapper.
  1. You’ve been under arrest all summer. Please, don't thank me for bonding you out; let's just enjoy our new beginnings and ventures. What shall we do? Sleep? Don't mind if I do!
  1. Twerking is a combination of the pop, roll and whip cheers performed in the 80's by young neighborhood girls.
  1. I still quote my mother in certain situations. My favorite is "Wait till you have children!" I don't have any but my brother has several. I tell him he got the curse.
  1. I just found out today my cat is also pregnant. Now, I come home from my date and all of her cat daddies are around my door. I guess since her secret is out, the culprits come out of hiding.
  1. Pretending to be gay works wonders for getting rid of guys.
  1. Anyone ever talk to your Xbox? Second weird question- Anyone ever talk to their Xbox in a robot voice, just so it will understand you better?
  1. Is it bad that I mathematically proved my wife's age (which will remain a secret) to her? Am I doomed? P.S. She still doesn't believe me.
  1. I had a dream last night I started breeding turtles! And I had hundreds.
  1. The awkward moment when you forget your I.D to get into walkabout and the bouncer says no worries I recognize you.
  1. I need to stop making such poor choices in sick of being hurt and screwed over!!
  1. If you leave your dogs in a car in THIS heat with one window barely cracked open just so you can go shopping, you shouldn't be surprised when I call the police about it, some people shouldn't be allowed pets!
  1. Everyone’s getting pregnant and having babies and I’m just sat here asking the dog what she wants to watch next on Netflix.....
  1. If I ever win the lottery the first thing I'm doing is buying DEODORANT for the people on the bus who think it's cool not to use any.
  1. My teacher from last year just congratulates me for dumping my ex...That is absolutely hilarious!
  1. Best part about being single: I can wear my amazing Batman pants and there's no miserable boyfriend to moan about them.
  1. I want a complete scan of my body down to the atomic level. After that, I will get enough bio-material to 3D print a copy of myself. Oh by the way I'm tired of my Xbox freezing...

  1. So far today I have seen a picture of Beyonce and another of Sarah Jessica Parker where they are both so airbrushed they look like twins. And we wonder about female self esteem issues.
Next Page: Funny Twitter Bios


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